Friday, September 9, 2011

Conni – 09-05-11 WY/UT Trip – Moran, WY

This has been a very memorable day to me. As Figment said, we’re very close to a ranch I spent about 5 months on when I was in my early teens. I recognized it easily and we drove up to the gate to take a picture. If it had just been me, that would have been it and we’d have driven on. Thankfully, Mary was very pushy about driving on in and finding someone to talk to. As it belongs to millionaires and I was cheap hired help, I was not comfortable doing that. Glad she just went up to the door and knocked though.  As it turned out, a 71 year old lady was there and we soon discovered that she was a teen at that time too, but about 4 years older than me. I had gone horseback riding with her and we jumped the irrigation ditches. She didn’t remember me, but that was fine. She was surprised at how much I remembered about my time there. A very gracious lady. She told us to just drive thru the pasture down to a river and then over to a creek thru hundreds of acres of hay fields. Tractors were working there with round bales. When I was there, it was square bales and I drove a tractor from the fields with the hay to be stored in a huge barn. What a wonderful time and how nice to see the place again and do a little exploring. Thanks, Mary, another memory I’ll hold dear.
Pinto Ranch, E Cockrell, Moran, Wyoming
Pinto Ranch Main Road
Orignial home is in the stand of trees.

Ernest Cockrell Home
Recently built in front or original home.

Pinto Ranch Foreman's Home
Conni stayed in this house.

Hay Fields with Teton's in Background

Pinto Ranch Creek

Sadie Having a Drink
Freezing water and she just walked right in.

Pinto Ranch Original Homestead

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